Good morning Gelo! hope you are having a nice rest day. I send you this band as a suggestion for the blog, I’ve been listening to them for a little while, but they say they have an incredible live performance. We will see them in June in Fuengirola and I will tell you about it.

Queens of the Stone Age (commonly abbreviated as QOTSA) is an American rock band formed in 1996. The heavy electric guitar sound defines this Californian band. The imprint of Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath combines with powerful riffs and fuzz sound as demonstrated in “Songs for the Deaf” (2002), their most acclaimed album. Formed in 1997, QOTSA or simply Queens can be hard, pop and rock at the same time.

On June 23rd they will be in Fuengirola, looking forward to seeing them.


Hi Gelo! March 8th is coming up and I wanted to contribute to your blog with this super raw energy and powerful band, which I´ve recently discovered. Reminds me of the riot grrlll movement. I can’t wait to see them live! I hope that at least some of you like it.

Amyl and the Sniffers are an Australian pub rock and punk rock band based in Melbourne, consisting of vocalist Amy Taylor, drummer Bryce Wilson, guitarist Declan Martens, and bassist Gus Romer. At the ARIA Music Awards of 2019, their self-titled debut record won the Best Rock Album category. Their sound has been compared to 1970s hard rock groups such as Iggy Pop and The Stooges and The Damned

Riot grrrl is an underground feminist punk movement that began during the early 1990s within the United States in Olympia, Washington and the greater Pacific Northwest] and has expanded to at least 26 other countries. Riot grrrl is a subcultural movement that combines feminism, punk music, and politics. It is often associated with third-wave feminism, which is sometimes seen as having grown out of the riot grrrl movement and has recently been seen in fourth-wave feminist punk music that rose in the 2010s. The genre has also been described as coming out of indie rock, with the punk scene serving as an inspiration for a movement in which women could express anger, rage, and frustration, emotions considered socially acceptable for male songwriters but less common for women.

Riot grrrl songs often addressed issues such as rape, domestic abuse, sexuality, racism, patriarchy, classism, anarchism and female empowerment. Primary bands most associated with the movement by media include Bikini Kill, Bratmobile, Heavens to Betsy, Excuse 17, Slant 6, Emily’s Sassy Lime, Huggy Bear, Jack Off Jill (later coining the term Riot Goth) and Skinned Teen. Also included were queercore groups such as Team Dresch and the Third Sex.


Here’s a great group for getting some energy, Black Sabbath.

Black Sabbath, formed in 1968 in Birmingham, UK, is a pioneering heavy metal band known for their dark themes and heavy riffs. With iconic albums like “Black Sabbath” and “Paranoid,” they shaped the genre and inspired countless musicians. Led by guitarist Tony Iommi and vocalist Ozzy Osbourne, they remain legends in rock history.

Hope you enjoy them!